Facilitating transformative experiences
Facilitating transformative experiences •
Join Us in Transforming Lives at Ochoco Christian Conference Center!
Your support helps us create a welcoming and nurturing environment where individuals can disconnect from the chaos of everyday life and reconnect with God. Every donation, big or small, plays a vital role in providing personalized retreat experiences, Gospel-centered programs, and nourishing meals that inspire spiritual growth.
By partnering with us, you are not only investing in the future of our camp but also in the lives of those seeking a deeper relationship with Christ. Help us continue to foster a community grounded in faith, love, and adventure.
Donate today and be a part of the transformation!
Together, we can make a lasting impact.
To make a one-time or recurring gift, click the button below.
Please call us if you would rather set up your donation over the phone: 541-462-3016
Capital Improvements
As the camp continues to grow, improvements are necessary to keep up! Ochoco Christian Camp is committed to a no-debt model, which means that needed projects are not completed until the funds are in place to do so. At this time, we are raising funds for two important capital projects: 1) Pool Bath House - a restroom/shower house in the center of camp next to the pool; there is currently no central restroom facility in that area, and one is needed! 2) Staff housing improvements - necessary so that we can hire more on-site staff to maintain the facility and serve guests well. From the donation page you can choose to give directly to either of these projects or to give to capital improvements projects in general.
General Needs
It is our goal to keep prices as low as possible, so that groups and individuals can continue to afford the opportunity to come to camp. While striving to manage resources wisely, regular donations are the best way to offset rising costs. Could you help by considering becoming a regular donor?
There are many needs associated with providing & maintaining this wonderful facility - repairs, improvements, equipment, staffing, utilities, and so much more. Your gifts will help provide for these and improve the overall guest experience at Ochoco Christian Conference Center.
Camper Scholarships
Giving to this fund will allow us to offer reduced rates for campers who are not able to afford the full price of camp. It is our goal to keep prices for youth camp as low as possible; your giving is an important aspect to fulfilling this goal.
The rate for a 5-day/4-night camp experience is $240; scholarship requests range from $50 to the full amount.
Are you a regular donor?
Click 'Donor login'' to set up or manage your Donor record. You will be able to see a history of your donations or make any changes to your giving record here.